How We Move- Core Values

Our core values guide every part of our work. Alignment with our values in funding relationships, partnerships, fellows, and staff is critical to the health of our organization.

  • In order to work with people effectively, they have to feel safe, if an individual feels unsafe than they are unwell and unable to fully receive what’s being offered. We take safety and wellness very seriously and believe we cannot do this work without prioritizing these values.

  • We know that billions of dollars have been invested and spent on Criminal Justice related solutions with little impact in our communities. We firmly believe those closest to the pain are closest to the solution.

  • We must model in our actions, the world we want to exist- We are responsible for caring for one another in the movement. No single organization or individual can do this work alone, even when resources are limited- We all need to exist and we must stand in solidarity as a collective.

  • We don’t believe in the act of showing investment in individuals and writing them off later. We believe this further harms our community and replicates the expectations of the system that individuals’ trauma comes out in a manageable way or that a person’s value is determined by their skill. We choose to teach, coach and find alternative solutions that foster empowerment.